Monday, February 13, 2012

An Appeal to Help Save Afghanistan's Starving and Cold Refugee Children

Hi everyone!

I want to bring your attention to a situation in Afghanistan that can use everyone's help. Over the past several weeks there have been confirmed reports that at least 28 children have died of hunger and cold in a string of refugee camps in and around Kabul. Afghanistan is in the midst of one of the coldest and snowiest winters in its recent history. Temperatures have consistently fallen below 5 degrees Fahrenheit with no warm-up predicted for several more days. People living in these camps have inadequate housing, clothing, food, and fuel. And for reasons that no one has really been able explain the plight of these refugees has long been neglected until now. The story was brought to light last week in a New York Times article that profiled a refugee named Sayyid Mohammad who has recently lost eight of his nine children to the cold. Since the article ran, Mr. Mohammad was visited by officials sent from President Karzai who pledged official assistance and an audience with the president. An audience with Mr. Karzai is all well and good, but unless promises turn into deeds, the situation won't improve and more young lives will be lost.

Thankfully, donations are starting to pour in from all over the world. I've listed below several relief organizations and their websites that are actively working to alleviate the tragic situation in Afghanistan's refugee camps. We're already behind the eight-ball but it's never too late to make a contribution.

Lamia Afghan Foundation

Save the Children

World Food Programme

Afghan Red Crescent Society

United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs


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